Privacy Policy

Blue Collar Cables

Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

Blue Collar Cables may collect personally identifiable information, such as your name. If you buy a Blue Collar Cables product or service, we collect billing, credit card and address information. We may gather additional personal or non-personal information in the future.

This policy seeks to inform you of our policies and practices and choices you can make about how your information is collected and how that information is used. This is a policy, stating what we try to do. It is not a contract obligation on our part. However, pursuant to this policy you grant certain consents, licenses and exclusions and limitations of liability.

Blue Collar Cables collects, uses and discloses personal information it may receive from your visit to this site. By using this site, you consent to Blue Collar Cables’s collection, use, and disclosure of your information as described below. Please review this policy. If there is any part you do not agree with, or if you do not think this policy provides enough protection, you should immediately exit this site and not remain or visit it. If there is information you do not wish to consent to our receipt, collection or use of, you should not use or remain at this site. (Some information may have been collected from your visit thus far).

If you have questions or concerns regarding this policy or if you have a customer service issue, you may contact Blue Collar Cables at [email protected].

2. Collection of Your Personal Information

Blue Collar Cables may collect personally identifiable information, such as your name. If you buy a Blue Collar Cables product or service, we collect billing, credit card and address information. This information is used to complete the transaction and to deliver product to you. We may gather additional personal or non-personal information in the future.

Information about your computer hardware and software may be automatically collected by Blue Collar Cables. This can include your IP address, browser type, operating system, domain name and referring website addresses. This information is used for the operation of the service, to maintain quality of the service, and provide general statistics on use of the website.

We may automatically collect information related to your use of the site, such as date and time of your visit, pages you visit, order of pages and time on each page. These are examples; technology may let us collect and store other kinds of data about your visit, use and activities at the site. We may use this information to do analyses of user behavior and characteristics to measure interest in and use of various areas of the site, or other purposes. New uses could emerge; in the future we could use information in ways or to do things we do not currently do.

You can email comments to us at [email protected]. We may store these messages, including personal information in them, so we can evaluate or respond.

We possibly collect other types of information not listed above, for example, metadata, and possible new kinds of information will be derived in the future that we may collect.

We collect any information you enter on our site, or that your device provides to our site, or that you give us in any way

If you directly disclose personally identifiable information or personally sensitive data through Blue Collar Cables public message boards, this information may be collected and used by others.

Blue Collar Cables encourages you to review privacy statements of websites you choose to link to from Blue Collar Cables so that you can understand how those websites collect, use and share your information. Blue Collar Cables is not responsible for privacy statements or other content on websites outside the Blue Collar Cables website.

3. Uses of Your Personal Information

Blue Collar Cables collects and uses your personal information to operate and try to improve our website(s), deliver products and services you request, develop and improve products, and respond to inquiries.

Blue Collar Cables may use personally identifiable information to inform you of other products or services available from us and our affiliates. Blue Collar Cables may contact you by surveys to research your opinion of existing or potential new products or services.

Blue Collar Cables does not sell, rent or lease customer lists to third parties.

Blue Collar Cables may share data with trusted service providers to help perform statistical or other analyses, send you email or postal mail, provide customer support, or arrange deliveries. The third parties are prohibited from using your personal information except to provide services to Blue Collar Cables, and are required to keep your information confidential.

Blue Collar Cables may keep track of websites and pages our users visit within, to assess interest and popularity of products or services. This data is used to deliver customized content and advertising within Blue Collar Cables to customers whose actions indicate they may have interest in a particular subject area.

Blue Collar Cables will disclose your personal information, without notice, if required by law or in the belief that it is or may be necessary to comply with law; comply with legal process served on Blue Collar Cables or the site; protect or defend rights or property of Blue Collar Cables ; act under exigent circumstances to protect safety; or voluntarily cooperate with law enforcement, government or public safety investigation or request. We may choose to cooperate with a government or public safety request or legal process even if not legally required to. Third party service providers, such as for service providers in web management, consulting, service and repair of our information technology equipment, access and usage, may have access to information you provide, in performing their service for us. If we were to ever merge with, acquire or be acquired by another entity, or agree to do so, the other party(s) or potential party(s) would have access to the information maintained through this site. Another entity could have different policies, or could modify these policies.

4. Use of Cookies

The Blue Collar Cables website may use cookies to help personalize your online experience. A cookie is a small file placed on your hard drive. One purpose of a cookie is to provide convenience to save you time. It tells the web server you returned to a specific page. It may help the server recall your information from other visits. This simplifies recording your personal information, like billing and shipping address. When you return to the site, the information you previously provided can be retrieved, to make your use of the site easier. If you do not want cookies placed on your device, you should set the browser on the device to decline cookies before using the site. You can remove or block cookies using settings in your browser, but that possibly may impact your ability to access and/or use some aspects of the site.

5. Security of your Personal Information

Blue Collar Cables tries to secure your personal information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. For example, this site has security measures to reduce the risk of loss, misuse and alteration of information under our control. Our security measures are updated from time to time. As an additional measure, this policy does not state further details of security measures we use. We do not claim to have the most advanced or best possible security measures. Moreover, neither our security measures, nor any security measures, provide 100% certainty against all risks. Inadvertent disclosure is possible. Technology changes, computer hackers, dishonesty by persons with access, and human error are examples why it is impossible for us, or anyone, to absolutely guarantee your information cannot ever be accessed or disclosed.

Accordingly, WE AND OUR OWNERSHIP, DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AFFILIATES SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR LOSS, INJURY OR DAMAGE ARISING FROM OR RELATING TO DISCLOSURE OR MISUSE OF YOUR INFORMATION. Please do not disclose any information that is so confidential or personal that its release would cause you injury.

6. Children Under Age 16

Blue Collar Cables does not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under the age of 16. If you are under age 16, you must ask your parent or guardian for permission to use this website. If we learn we collected personal information from someone, without parental or guardian consent, who, at the time we learn this, is under 16, we will try to delete that information. If you believe we may have information from someone under age 16, please tell us at [email protected].

7. Opt-Out, Unsubscribe, Corrections

We seek to respect your privacy and give you an opportunity to opt-out of receiving announcements of certain information. You may opt-out of receiving any or all communications from Blue Collar Cables by telling us. Email us at [email protected].

You can control accuracy of information you provide us. We encourage you to review information for accuracy before you send it to us. To update or correct information, or ask us to delete or stop using information you provided, please email us at [email protected].

8. Linked Sites

Search engines and other Internet sites which provide links to this site or that you access from a link in this site, may have privacy policies or practices that differ from this Policy. Blue Collar Cables is not responsible for privacy practices or content of other sites. We encourage you to be aware when you come to or leave this site and to read the privacy statements of each website that collects personally identifiable information. This policy applies only to information collected by this site or us.

9. Notice of Certain Uses

Under California law, California residents have the right to request in writing from businesses with whom they have an established business relationship (1) a list of categories of personal information, such as name, address, e-mail address, and type of services provided to the customer, that a business disclosed to third parties (including affiliates that are separate legal entities) during the immediately preceding calendar year for the third parties’ direct marketing purposes; and (2) names and addresses of all such third parties. To request this information please contact us by writing to: Blue Collar Audio, PO Box 5168, Anaheim, CA 92814 or send an email to us at [email protected]. Please state “Request Under Calif. Civil Code Sec. 1798.3” prominently on your communication. We will respond to requests within 30 days of receipt. We are only required to respond to each customer once per calendar year.

For a California resident under age 18 who is a registered user of our site, California Business and Professions Code Section 22581 permits you to request and obtain removal of content or information you publicly posted. To make a request, please send an email with a detailed description of the content or information to [email protected]. Your request does not ensure complete or comprehensive removal of content or information you posted and there may be circumstances in which the law does not require or allow removal even if requested.

10. Changes to this Policy

Blue Collar Cables will occasionally update this Policy. We will post the revisions here. Blue Collar Cables encourages you to periodically review this Policy to be informed how Blue Collar Cables is seeking to protect your information.

11. Contact Information

Blue Collar Cables welcomes your questions or comments regarding this Policy. If you believe Blue Collar Cables has not adhered to this Policy, or if you have other comments or questions, please contact us at: [email protected] or write to us at:

Blue Collar Audio
PO Box 5168
Anaheim, CA 92814

Effective February 2019
Copyright 2019 Blue Collar Cables . All Rights Reserved.